Monday, June 4, 2007

Fan Input: Why are you still interested?

Now that I am back from my vacation and the semester is over, I can focus a bit more on my blog. How much? Who knows, heh heh. So, I figure I'll start off with a fan response entry. All you have to do is reply to my fan question in the comments. You do not need an account to leave a comment. Please be civilized and respect others.

The question is: What makes you still interested in the Robotech universe even that the whole brand has really slowed down in recent months?

My personal response: Robotech does indeed have it's up's and down's with either the official output or even the way the community is. I will always be interested in Robotech for hopefully ever. I love the Robotech TV series solely. I love the universe it creates, the characters, the stories, and all that. Yeah, you can only watch the show so many times, but having conversations about it never gets boring. One major driving force that keeps my interest is the fact that the TV series has never been fully understood for all the facts and concepts that it contains. People's interpertations of the data has always varied and no one has really attempted to create a "pure" collection of that information. It's very hard to begin with. The TV series leaves itself to personal interpertation as it is naturally vague to a degree. However, a lot of important facts are held within a few lines of dialogue here and there. This really allows Robotech to be forever discussed, anaylzed, and enjoyed. This alone has kept me a fan for years. Of course, it's that universe of Robotech that I love. However, I have never found a story to keep my interest in for as long as I have in Robotech. It's all thanks to the way Robotech was made. I just wish more fans had the same passion...

So, that's my answer. What's yours? Leave a comment to this entry with your answer. Please respect and do not criticize anyone's response. Thanks


Anonymous said...

Hi, like you said I like the ideas and the never ending speculation about the Robotech world. It's fun to remember when Robotech was at its peak, and I'm also looking for news about when more Shadow Chronicles stuff will be made. Thanks-

Anonymous said...

Robotech, to me, is hands down the funnest, most balls-out, inspiring, captivating, most rock-and-roll cartoon series ever put together and presented in the English language. And I, for one, was old enough to have gotten into it when it came out in the mid-'80s, but I didn't even know what it was until 4 years ago. Too many praises for the series to go into at this point in time, so I'm going to leave it at that. Thanks for asking -- and if the SDF-1 were real, you can bet I would be the first to stow away on board that party ship come 2009, and leave this rapidly-going-to-hell planet to stew in its juices for a while.

mike. said...

I'm not a big fan of any of the sequels that have come out (Sentinels, novels, comics, etc.). I had some hope for Shadow Chronicles, but it left me largely disappointed.

It really speaks to the power of the original series, in the soundtrack, in the beauty of the hand-drawn animation, and in their complex plots and themes and characters that I am still as interested in the story as I am. Nothing in the Robotech universe that has come out since the end of the original trilogy (and this includes sequel/prequel stuff that has come out in the original Japanese Macross universe as well - Macross Plus came close, but that's pretty much been it) has been able to capture my imagination in the same way.

I have all the original series DVDs, love watching them, and will continue to watch and love them, and continue to hope that the next time they attempt a sequel, they do it "right" (and not only from the creative end, but the business end as well).

Anonymous said...

I cincerely hope no new Shadow Chronicles stuff will ever be made.... and that we will be saved of that is enough

What needs to be done is just kindly declare it non canon, alternate universe.... lock it and throw away the KEY......

And what aslo needs to be done is to make some NEW ROBOTECH..... :)

Until that happens the old series is the only thing we got....

Anonymous said...

Robotech has always had the potential to be greater than the sum of it's parts. The Sentinals almost realized that potential. Now, with Shadow Chronicles, I'm looking forward to see what can be done. That's why I'm hanging on. That and nostalgia, honestly.

Anonymous said...

I was lucky enough to catch the first run of Robotech here in Australia. I lived in a small country town and fan info was hard to come by over here.
Something about the imagery of the VF-1S was magical. I remember being confused when first confronted with the Transformers Jetfire/Skyfire toy, and the FASA Battletech range. Who was really responsible for these beautiful robots?
As a teenager I wrote letters to all the involved companies and tried to figure out an answer to the puzzle.
As the years went by we saw the boom of Anime in western culture and everything that was released in the UK and USA eventually made it's way here.
Information became more readily available and more people seemed interested. Slowly all my questions were answered and my collection of Robotechnica became huge.
Macross 2 gave me hope, then Macross Plus blew me away! There was always talk of proposed continuation of this universe.
Macross Zero became my favorite, and Macross 7 was really one for the kiddies, but I still enjoyed seeing Max and Myria down the track a bit.
I haven't even scratched the surface here regarding the themes in the show that have helped shape my view of the world, including the power of music and emotion, or the conflict of desire for peace versus unavoidable warfare.
There has always been something new for me to search out in this Robotech world.
What could be next? Zero incorperated into the Robotech universe? Orguss in english? Hollywood steps in for a live action/CGI feature? Bigger better video game versions? BETA Fighter toys?...
...Who knows.
All this talk of fading fandom is sad, so to ensure I always remember Robotech I've started covering myself in Robotech tattoos. Please check them out and comment at

There's always something to look forward to... Robotech has taught me that.
Thanks for the chance to rant.

Robotech forever!


Anonymous said...

As for me... I am sticking around until we complete the Genesis...

It is the only thing keeping me here...

After that who knows..... where thi wind blows..


mike. said...

Boganrobotlightning - dude, you are hardcore!

Anonymous said...

I am still interested because there are so many unanswered questions in the series, even more questions after the last movie; and there is so much room for imagination like what happened before the starting point of the series or between generations. So long as I don't watch the series too many times in a roll, coming back to watch it is always interesting.

Anonymous said...

I am still interested in Robotech© because Harmony Gold© is absolutely dedicated to taking the franchise in NEW AND EXCITING DIRECTIONS! With the hope that The Shadow Chronicles© has given me, the future looks brighter than ever before and certainly Robotech© will be better than ever!!!

Yours in the yuniculture,
Kairon Puraimu

Praise the Awareness©!

Shawn said...

"Robotech" has been in my blood since I started watching it as a kid, when it first came out. It's the only franchise that I've kept coming back to consistently, through the years. And even though there's been some definite "reinterpreting" of the franchise lately, I still enjoy it. It's also nice that the "Robotech universe" isn't as bloated as other sci-fi franchises. It just makes it easier and more enjoyale to be a fan.

Anonymous said...

I just still love the sensitivity/seriousness of the writing and scenes. Even today you just don't have the kind of death scenes, love triangles, depressed characters, and emotional situations like you see in Robotech. That's what always made it stand out IMHO.

BTW, someone finally came along and hands us brand new Robotech after 17 years... Just be thankful people, even if it's not precisely what you think it should be. Things always get better. Just compare the first and last seasons of ST TNG.

Long Live Robotech!

ChrisK said...

There's lots of sides to Robotech - and I like that. Argh!

Anonymous said...

After 22 years of being a Robotech fan and seeing the ups and downs, this so-called "slump" isn't even comparable to the other low times in the franchise history. I'll always be a Robotech fan even when there's nothing new coming out.

-Zor Master