Monday, March 12, 2007

Welcome to the News Blog

Welcome to Robotech Companion's News Blog. We hope to fulfill your Robotech needs with providing as much Robotech news and Fandom acitivities as we can. Darkwater has done a wonderful job over the last years at keeping up with the news and we give our thanks. It's gonna be hard to match him, but we can try.

This blog will cover many of the things Darkwater did and more. If it's Robotech news of any kind, we'll try to post it. Everything from merchandise announcements to fandom happenings. We want to go a step beyond that and help support the Robotech community through promotion and updates on Robotech fan projects and community events. This is your time to be a star. So, check out our submission guidelines for details on how to get Robotech news or your project submitted.

I really have high hopes that our blog can become something great and worthwhile. However, it's up to you, the reader, to make that happen. You can show your support through many ways. Let everyone know about our blog as the new center for Robotech and fandom. It's time for the community to reunite and be heard once more. Don't be afraid to comment on the articles either. We will really appriecate it to hear your comments or suggestions. A simple hi works too. Let the silence end today, let the Robotech fandom be known again.

Thank you for being a fan,
The Masters


Darkwater said...

First comment


ChrisK said...

Drat! I knew I missed something today! Darkwater's show!

The Masters said...

It was a great show. You can download it still from Space Station Liberty.

Anonymous said...

I listened to part one but parts 2 & 3 were not up for a download And yes it was a great show