Friday, December 14, 2007

Beta Fighter Masterpiece still a Go

The latest news directly from Tommy Yune on Space Station Liberty, is that the Beta Fighter will be produced for sure. The difference is that the Japanese will not be doing the production, due to current events read on other blogs. To summarize, the Masterpiece Alpha Fighters by Toynami were going to be reproduced by a Japanese company named Aoshima. This company wanted to enhance the Alphas and sell them in Japan under the Mospeada brand. However, Aoshima felt a need to have these toys out by Christmas in Japan. The factories they decided to use rush the production unbelievably that the toys came out ruined.

Ultimately, this is good news for Toynami and maybe even the production quality. Toynami will be sticking with the factory that produced all the masterpiece alpha fighter toys so far. They'll be able to keep their molds and control over the product.


Unknown said...

Now that is some good news!

Anonymous said...

That Christmas explanation makes little sense. Japanese people don't celebrate Christmas by buying toys, especially the otaku that would be buying something based on a 20-year-old anime. It also ignores how Toynami had quality problems in its own run, no matter what factory was used.

Anonymous said...

eh christmas and new year's are considered a big holiday season in Japan

Anonymous said...

New Year's is, but not Christmas. Most Japanese people don't even get the day off. Those who do celebrate it do it with fried-chicken family dinners or taking their girlfriends out for a date, not with otaku buying each other expensive toys. Can't have presents-opening on Christmas morning when they have to go to work or school the same day.

Anonymous said...

"New Year's is, but not Christmas."

thanks for making my point

Anonymous said...

Is your point that Legioss toys had nothing to do with Christmas and New Year's in Japan, as neither is celebrated with otaku-toy-giving? Then, you're welcome.