Monday, May 14, 2007

Yellow Dancer Live Concert July 1st!

Michael Bradley and Khristina K will be performing live in Long Beach, California on July 1st at The Rhythm Lounge near by Anime Expo. They will perform Robotech songs along with favorite rock tunes. So, make sure you check them out while you're in town! Michael Bradley is the singing voice of Lancer/Yellow Dancer from Robotech: The New Generation. If you haven't done so, make sure you buy a copy of his new CD Lonely Soldier Boy!

Michael's Blog
"RK Project, featuring Michael Bradley and Khristina K, will be performing adjacent to the Long Beach Convention Center during the weekend of Anime Expo in Long Beach, California. The performance will be on Sunday night, July a place called The Rhythm Lounge. The club is supposedly right down the street from the Convention, less than two minutes. We haven't even seen the place yet but here is their web address, if any of you guys want to check it out:

Show time has yet to be determined...probably 7 or 8. There will be a cover charge for the show...wish we could do it for free, but the venue has to turn a profit. And there is a 21 or over age limit. Since this is not an official convention event, our manager took it upon himself to arrange the show...hoping to get some convention attendees to drop in. We'd all love to see you!

We're going to play all the old ROBOTECH (Lancer/Yellow Dancer) songs, including songs from ROBOTECH-THE MOVIE...some sung by Khristina K. Since we'll probably be playing at least three sets, we'll also be doing some of our favorite cover songs. The Police, U2, The Killers, Shania Twain, Avril Lavigne, Paul McCartney Led Zeppelin tunes...fairly wide range of rock music. Gonna be loud and fun!

We'd love to get as many ROBOTECH fans out there as we possibly I hope some of you can make it. This will be the first time the band has performed some of these songs since Anime Expo in Anaheim a couple of years we're all real excited to do this event.

I'll probably be dropping by the ROBOTECH booth that afternoon to sign some CDs and say hello to some old friends...please drop by if you're around! I'm hoping to get Khristina K to come along for the signing, those of you who haven't met her can finally see who I've been talking about these past couple of years. we get closer to the event, I'll have some more comments.

Drop me a line or an e-mail to let us know if you're going to make it or not...I'd love to hear from you!"
- Michael Bradley

Reply to Michael's blog entry here:

Thanks Rhade!


Anonymous said...

Cool!, I wish that this concert will get recorded; a DVD would be a nice addition to the CD.

Anonymous said...

I agree. The RK Project's performances of "modernised" Robotech songs at Animé Expo 2005 were far better than the ones they released on the Lonely Soldier Boy album. *sob* Maybe they're just better live?--Some groups are like that...

Yours in the protoculture,

Praise Haydon!